Sunday, November 13, 2016

Life at Home

Just pondering life and what makes a house a home. It has been such a beautiful fall...the sun has been shining every day and it makes the colors so vibrant. We have yet to clean the leaves from our yard once more before winter hits. We have so many trees here that we do it in two sessions. But I love the trees here. I love that out here everything is seems so much more vibrant and alive. However come this winter it will be another story as everything gets covered in white, but the snow here is lovely too because it stays for a while after it falls rather than melting and turning to slushy mud. 
We sat down to play a game of Yahtzee and as you can see Bear had his own plans for games. Savannah just loves playing with the pets as we do too, they make such joyful company.
Bear loves his squeaky duck toys so much that we go through at least two or three of them a year.

You know sometimes we adults are like children in that we get bored easily. I have never really stuck to a hobby so I have been working on learning how to embroider. I found that I like to sew since I was in 7th grade so I figured this would be the best place to start. This is my first project. I like that it has a lot of different stitches and colors so that I can get great practice at a little bit of everything. 
Since I got my new sewing machine I have been itching to start new projects with it but I am disciplining myself to finish ones I am working on before starting another.  I hope I can stick with keeping new hobbies and because of this I plan to frame it when I am done as a reminder of how I started my new adventures. Hopefully I will be reading this one day in the future and have completed many projects since.

Hope you all are having a beautiful fall!

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