Thursday, July 27, 2006

Keeping focused...

So I didn't lose much weight this week. Heh, not even a pound - not even half a pound. This is where some of what I've learned this past month needs to be put to use with positive thinking by reminding myself that my diet is not about the weight but about feeling better, healthier, and alive. It's about being more knowledgeable and conscientious of my eating and activity habits. I think my self esteem could do better without that scale! I didn't start this change of lifestyle to look better or fit into a smaller size, I did it to improve my health so when I grow older it will not be sooner than expected.

Speaking of improvement, notice how you never realize how much junk you have collected until you are trying to find something that is lost? I really need to take a day off and de-junkify my house! I think I will schedule a day before the boys go back to school. I never realized how much crap I have! Of course unfinished basements seem to be a popular place for storing things in dark places that you forget about.

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