Saturday, February 17, 2007


Well Valentine's Day was nice considering all the crap that's been going on around here. I woke up to a gorgeous bouquet of roses in the kitchen awaiting me on my way out the door to work. I made steak and crab for dinner and it was delicious!

Last night Charlie and I had "date night." We went to Ruby River and saw Bridge to Terabithia. It was great however the movie was not at all what I expected. Very good though. I didn't blink an eye through the whole film.

My mom and sister and her family are all enjoying beautiful sunny Hawaii right now. Oh how I wish the sun here was warm again. Soon I hope. I'm ready for some Spring!

Michael hasn't called and I haven't called him. Oh well. I guess he really doesn't have the need to or desire. It's really not too much different without him since he hung out in his room most of the time anway. I've gained a pound and a half during the last two weeks and some of it is from my trying to fill the void with goodies and extra helpings that I know I don't need. Isn't it funny how there are comforts given to us human beings that only we can enjoy?

Three day weekend for us all. Not sure why Charlie's work is giving it to them and they do every year. Usually President's Day is only given to state/federal government agencies and schools. But I'm not complaining!

Have a good weekend everyone. My plan is to try to get my laundry actually put away after I wash it this time. (As you can tell my biggest pet peeves are putting laundry and dishes away after they are cleaned.)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Enjoy your day deserve it! And try to find time to do something fun or relaxing! Not just laundry!