Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Yep. They're here was only 103 yesterday. Weird thing though, the nights are still very cool.

Not much going on with us, we just try to keep busy and sane for the most part. Last weekend we visited one of the many Payson lakes, canoeing on the mirror-like water was relaxing and the pine trees were a sight for sore eyes. It seems I don't get out into the wilderness much now that Dad is gone, he used to be the leader of the pack when it came to getting the family out into the fresh air. I also drove by a rodeo the other day. *sigh* I miss him most in the summer. The fresh produce stands along the street only remind me of his garden and when I buy the tomatoes and corn there they will never taste the same. I look at my memories of him and realize too that I am quite lazy...why shouldn't I grow my own corn and tomatoes and pass on his example? Why do I have to wait until someone invites me to camp at a lake or drive up to the mountain for a picnic along side the river? I have compared myself many times next to my father and still do not like how I can be so idle in my daily life when he would spend hours doing these things and more in addition to working in a steel factory getting dirty every day and not getting paid what he was worth. Yet I don't do anything to make permanent changes. It was just who he was, I wish I had more of that in me is all.

I miss ya dad. I really do.


Jamie said...


I bet you do have a lot of your Dad in you. It may not come out in growing things or boating...but there are surely other gifts you honor him with!

Stay cool out there!

Jamie said...
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riehle mom said...

I miss dad to in the summer. I have a garden but it doesn't compare to his. as I am working in it. I always think of him.