Saturday, March 13, 2010

California part 3...

Friday morning we made a quick egg and bacon breakfast and coffee, much better than eating at McDonald’s! The weather was beautiful and I enjoyed seeing all the vineyards and nurserys as we headed to the Wild Animal Park in San Diego.
I have to admit that when you first get to the park it is unimpressive and you are not too sure what to expect but when you get around the bend of the birds and out of the bushes it is an overwhelming sight!
Giraffes roaming free on acres and acres of green fields along with wilder beasts, gazelles, & rhinos. It reminded me of the movie Jurassic Park.
Of course the lions are in view but in a separate space. They seemed to like to watch their natural prey but it was kind of scary as I imagined them leaping over the fence to catch their dinner. Yikes.

The gorillas seemed to enjoy basking in the sun and the zoo staff ensured us they were stimulated mentally with daily activities they called “enrichment” to keep them healthier and happier. The elephants would run around their field to get treats and there was a two week old baby that followed his mamma wherever she went it was so dang cute!

I was a little bummed because my camera ran out of battery right before we went on the tour guide and so I didn’t get as many pictures as I wanted. It was a beautiful sunny day until the afternoon when the clouds covered, but we were already on our way home by then. When we got back Charlie made a nice fish dinner on the grill with fresh broccoli and baked potato, it was soo good and the fish he got at the local grocery store called “Swai” was only $1.97 a pound - unbelievably cheap and very good tasting with lemon and pepper.

Saturday morning we ate around the corner at Carrow’s restaurant for breakfast, I wasn’t in the mood to cook and wanted to go there for old time’s sake as my sister Tina used to work at one when she lived in California. Silly I know. We headed out to the Birch Aquarium at the University of San Diego and enjoyed watching all the sea creatures. I don’t think we can get tired of this stuff. Savannah loved the jelly fish and also had fun making a weather report and seeing herself on the TV.
The weather was a little cooler that day.
Savannah playing with a rubber lobster in the tidal pool exhibit.

They had a small movie and demonstration on the earth's global warming which I have to admit made me a little bit depressed, but it is good to know. Makes you think twice when you drive your car. There was also some education on the seahorses and how they reproduced and I learned that the male carries the babies and births them. Pretty cool.

We relaxed the rest of the afternoon and made burgers on the grill and rented a couple of DVD’s. I was leery about getting the internet connected in our room as I really wanted to be “unplugged” from all phones/internet connection, but thought I better keep track of our bank account due to the lost card and ID situation. I have also found it to be helpful to keep up on my blogging and posting pictures and think it is now beneficial as I would have been overwhelmed doing it all when we arrived home.

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