Friday, April 23, 2010

Crystal Hot Springs

Last weekend Savannah and I were invited to go camping with my mom and Randy. We went to Honeyville Utah at a place called Crystal Hot isn't the most perfect place but the water is warm, close to home, and near where one of three of my favorite sisters, Monica, lives so we always see her when we go there. The weather was perfect and it was good to get out and be with family, especially since Charlie was gone. We took both of my dogs as no one could sit them for us, but they were fun to have around and they really enjoyed themselves in fact so much that when we got home Sunday night they were pooped like I've not seen in a long time! Mom and Randy have a nice trailer and so does Monica and Jay, so it was comfy for all. I am glad to have family that loves and cares for me enough to make efforts in order to spend time with me whether there is room for me and my dogs or not. Thanks mom & Randy!

Mom with the sun in her eyes, and of course Pugsley eating the food. That is what she does. Eats the food.
Here we are all talking at the same time as we always do in my family. It wouldn't be the same if we didn't.
Mmmm...respect the pouch. Respect it! (Too much TV?)
Playin' on the monkey bars. Poor Savannah. being an only child she has to play almost always by herself and is constantly begging the grown ups to join her. I'm afraid I don't as often as I should.
"Heh heh heh I can't breathe, could someone let me sit on their lap already and give me a snack?" (You'd have to know Pugsley to get this one!)
"So many things to smell and see...I am in doggy heaven here!"
Savannah and Pugsley were all sorts of tuckered out on the way home.

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