Tuesday, December 06, 2016

2nd Tradition Bennett family Christmas Tree

We didn't cut our tree down this year, but we went to the same farm as last year. When we arrived we found out there were two lots. Unfortunately the one we wanted to go to where they had the gift shop and the snack bar was not offering the horse rides or cutting for the year. The lot needed a break but we still looked around in the shop and bought our wreath. We also picked a pre-cut balsam fir that they had cut from the other lot and brought over. Jake and Sasha came with us and even though there wasn't a horse drawn ride, we still all spent the day together. After the tree was up and the lights put on, Jake and Charlie went shopping at Home Depot and Savannah and I got to visit with Sasha while we finished decorating. We all went out for dinner later that night and it was just a really good day.

I just love spending time with my family and am looking forward to getting to know Sasha better too. She and Jake are so cute together. I am so happy for them and it was fun to hear about their first date. Perhaps next year they will be getting a tree of their own right along with us.
View of a Wisconsin Tree Farm, last year this lot was packed! I just love farms! I'd live on one if I had the chance. 

Savannah training Cowboy 

Jake found a new buddy 

Muffers enjoying the tree, she has always loved being around the tree every year

Savannah's Charlie Brown tree 

Hauling the tree to the car

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