Saturday, June 23, 2007
Silly Girl!
Savannah is so funny. Yesterday we were looking at some pictures and of course Michael was in one of them. So she says with her hands up, "I can't find Michael. I don't know where he is," then she puts her hands in a circle around her eye and says, "We need a telescope to find him." All I said after chuckling was that she's right, he is lost and even he doesn't know where he is.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Poor Rooch
Poor Bear. He only wants to play and doesn't understand that the cats are not puppies. His little eye got scratched with a kitty claw the other night and now it's clouded over. We are taking him to the vet to get it checked out as well as a health exam and to get his shots. Since there is no way for us to know if he has had any shots previously we will just have to start them new to be sure.
The window well covers are now on all our basement windows and I have to say it's nice to not worry if Savannah or the dog will fall in. We will be getting our fence next month and I can hardly wait. Our fish tank and stand arrives today and slowly but surely you will see the progess made on it as we slowly buy the supplies for it to get it started. Of course it will all be documented with pictures. Now instead of getting the usual nagging from the overbearing husband for the tank, it will be all the goodies that go along with it instead. But when all is said and done it will be beautiful.
So I have been craving shrimp enchiladas from Mi Ranchito this week. Not sure why. I have been in this shrimp kick lately. It's either cause I've only recently indulged in them more than usual and now have a love for them or because they are so low in fat that I am so guilt free in eating them! (Not fried of course.) Mmmm it makes me hungry just thinking about! By the way, I'm still on Weight Watchers. I've gotten to a pretty slow speed of losing but am still losing nonetheless. I need to hop back on that treadmill but I am so lazy it's terrible. I do good to stay motivated to eat well, but exercise is something I need to be motivated on that Weight Watchers doesn't always teach you. What is good though is that they teach you to know your emotions and to recognize your eating patterns. It is good in that doing this does help keep and lose the weight, to be fully aware, yet I would like to get back to being active. Thing is the only thing that sounds fun to me is to go swimming. Guess cause it's so hot right now! Maybe washing the car could count as activity and cooling off?
Hope you all have a great weekend!
The window well covers are now on all our basement windows and I have to say it's nice to not worry if Savannah or the dog will fall in. We will be getting our fence next month and I can hardly wait. Our fish tank and stand arrives today and slowly but surely you will see the progess made on it as we slowly buy the supplies for it to get it started. Of course it will all be documented with pictures. Now instead of getting the usual nagging from the overbearing husband for the tank, it will be all the goodies that go along with it instead. But when all is said and done it will be beautiful.
So I have been craving shrimp enchiladas from Mi Ranchito this week. Not sure why. I have been in this shrimp kick lately. It's either cause I've only recently indulged in them more than usual and now have a love for them or because they are so low in fat that I am so guilt free in eating them! (Not fried of course.) Mmmm it makes me hungry just thinking about! By the way, I'm still on Weight Watchers. I've gotten to a pretty slow speed of losing but am still losing nonetheless. I need to hop back on that treadmill but I am so lazy it's terrible. I do good to stay motivated to eat well, but exercise is something I need to be motivated on that Weight Watchers doesn't always teach you. What is good though is that they teach you to know your emotions and to recognize your eating patterns. It is good in that doing this does help keep and lose the weight, to be fully aware, yet I would like to get back to being active. Thing is the only thing that sounds fun to me is to go swimming. Guess cause it's so hot right now! Maybe washing the car could count as activity and cooling off?
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
And the roller coaster ride continues...
As of yesterday Savannah has had her first set of stitches. Three that is. It seems the bath faucet and her chin didn't mix with the slippery floor of the bathtub. I've been letting her bathe somewhat alone off and on while I walk in and out of the bathroom putting my laundry away or something, and of course this happened just as I walked out. I am so proud of how well she did at the doctor's office though. I can't believe how brave she was! And she was so happy to get a princess sticker and a sucker, happier than she was at any other doctor's visit. Probably happy to get out of that office where she was forced to hold still and be subjected to weird doctors that talked baby talk to her. She didn't have any pain though. My poor little Boo!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A Prayer
My heart is heavy today from the distraught for those I know and love. My mom has recently lost two cats, my friend lost her brother last week, another friend lost her son this week, and even though I sound tough about Michael and his wife, I am also thinking of them. I can only pray to God for these people around me to get comfort and guidance as needed and hope that they have enough faith to receive it. And if they don't, I pray that they will even if they think it is from their conscience. So may God bless them in this time of need. Bless that I may gain sight when given a prompting of ways I can help them if I can.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Good Weekend
Saturday was a fun day. We spent it running around shopping for our fence. I am happy to say that we accidentally found a place we never heard of and to top it off they were having an annual sale that day so we got 10% off! We weren't so lucky to find such a good deal on salt water aquariums though. We decided we'll get just a tank and stand with canopy to start and work our way up. Yes, salt water aquariums can be a very expensive hobby, but so worth it in the long run. I can't wait to see what it will look like after we start putting live rock and fish in it!
We stopped to feed the ducks out by where Charlie works. And of course with that came the seagulls. They are vicious! Even more mean than the geese. Savannah loved it and I think we will make a picnic of it next time.
We ended the day with a delicious Mexican dinner at a new restaurant I've heard of but never went to called Guadalahonky's. Their catch phrase is, "Get gas at Guad's". They had crab enchiladas that turned out better than expected. Charlie being a past chef even complimented them. I was also impressed with their Chili Verde. Mmmm...I love Mexican food!
Sunday we went to my niece's birthday party who is turned 3. Savannah loves birthdays especially for the balloons and cake. She was a little too excited to give MattieJo her present though and unwrapped it as soon as we got in the house. Bear had a fun time too with all those kids to give him attention.
We stopped to feed the ducks out by where Charlie works. And of course with that came the seagulls. They are vicious! Even more mean than the geese. Savannah loved it and I think we will make a picnic of it next time.
We ended the day with a delicious Mexican dinner at a new restaurant I've heard of but never went to called Guadalahonky's. Their catch phrase is, "Get gas at Guad's". They had crab enchiladas that turned out better than expected. Charlie being a past chef even complimented them. I was also impressed with their Chili Verde. Mmmm...I love Mexican food!
Sunday we went to my niece's birthday party who is turned 3. Savannah loves birthdays especially for the balloons and cake. She was a little too excited to give MattieJo her present though and unwrapped it as soon as we got in the house. Bear had a fun time too with all those kids to give him attention.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Weird weather we've been havin'
So it was odd driving to work today and see all the white caps over the mountains. High today will be 55. It is so cold that even Savannah was requesting to watch Frosty the Snowman this morning. I like it though, we haven't turned on our central air yet! I am actually anticipating our utility bill and am excited to see the savings!
So upon news that we're getting our loan next week we are going to go fence shopping on Saturday. I wish I knew someone that could give us a good recommendation for a local company. It is quite a big purchase and I really, really don't want Charlie to do it himself to save money. It would be nice to watch someone else do all the work for a change. I also want to get some trees and our flower bed edging finished as well and I also need recommendations on what kind of trees to get. I want good shade trees but also ones that will not create a mess in the spring with blossoms or in the fall with leaves (although that's probably impossible). If there's anyone out there that can help, I'd appreciate it.
Bear is making progress in the potty training department, but I can't wait for that fence! He was good to let me know he needed out this morning and the mornings he is always good. I think he is just like a kid in that during the day he gets to playing and is so sidetracked he doesn't even think about it and sometimes will just go when he needs. We've learned to take him out every 30 minutes and while it's aggravating, I keep my hope for when the day comes that he is finally trained.
Jacob has a job interview at Subway. He says he's excited and this being his first job, that's good. He applied at the closest pet stores in our area but since that didn't pan out, no hurt in trying for something else to give him some work experience and a little change in his pocket.
I haven't heard anything about Michael since two weeks ago. In fact the last contact anyone in my family had with him was when he dropped to dog off at our house. My mom has been on a cruise this week, so she's not home to get weird messages from his work or him stopping by for favors or to check on messages. I'm assuming they haven't gone over or my brother would have said something too. I have been wondering about him and how they are doing, but I have to hope for the best.
So upon news that we're getting our loan next week we are going to go fence shopping on Saturday. I wish I knew someone that could give us a good recommendation for a local company. It is quite a big purchase and I really, really don't want Charlie to do it himself to save money. It would be nice to watch someone else do all the work for a change. I also want to get some trees and our flower bed edging finished as well and I also need recommendations on what kind of trees to get. I want good shade trees but also ones that will not create a mess in the spring with blossoms or in the fall with leaves (although that's probably impossible). If there's anyone out there that can help, I'd appreciate it.
Bear is making progress in the potty training department, but I can't wait for that fence! He was good to let me know he needed out this morning and the mornings he is always good. I think he is just like a kid in that during the day he gets to playing and is so sidetracked he doesn't even think about it and sometimes will just go when he needs. We've learned to take him out every 30 minutes and while it's aggravating, I keep my hope for when the day comes that he is finally trained.
Jacob has a job interview at Subway. He says he's excited and this being his first job, that's good. He applied at the closest pet stores in our area but since that didn't pan out, no hurt in trying for something else to give him some work experience and a little change in his pocket.
I haven't heard anything about Michael since two weeks ago. In fact the last contact anyone in my family had with him was when he dropped to dog off at our house. My mom has been on a cruise this week, so she's not home to get weird messages from his work or him stopping by for favors or to check on messages. I'm assuming they haven't gone over or my brother would have said something too. I have been wondering about him and how they are doing, but I have to hope for the best.
Monday, June 04, 2007
What to do, what to do...
So we have a new dog but not by choice. It seems word carries fast. Michael and Kristen formerly owned this little guy and either A. They were being nice and felt bad that we lost Sheba, or B. They realized they couldn't take care of him since they can't even take care of themselves, or C. They didn't want the responsibility of taking care of him any longer. So what did they do? Dropped him off by our mailbox on Saturday with a note stating they were sorry for the loss of our other dog and asking us to take care of him. They signed the note, "Your Secret Neighbor." One of the neighbor's found him out there and brought him to our attention and it's a good thing we were home to take him. Had we been gone at that time on Saturday out running errands like we usually are, he would have really had a bad spell left out in the heat in a small pet taxi.
Of course the kids were ecstatic upon his arrival and yes, he is cute. But we really were not ready for another dog as we haven't clearly grieved Sheba yet and of all dogs especially a puppy. I've never had one of my own and have come to find out that I really miss Sheba and how easy it was to take care of her as she had a pattern and didn't always need someone or something to play with not to mention the fact she was completely house broken and didn't leave our yard. We couldn't bring it upon ourselves to take him to a shelter and my brother and his wife weren't interested in taking him so we decided to keep him. Thank goodness Jake is out of school and we won't have to leave him unattended and alone all day. He will be a lot of work yes, but I do picture him being a long time pal but I will miss the idea of a lap dog that can lay by me in bed, just as Sheba did. Now I really can't wait for that fence!
The note said he goes by the name of Max but Jacob named him Bear since he reminded him of the bear cubs we saw at Bear World last month. He's very cute and playful. We think he may have some husky in him with his curled tail and fuzzy fur, but we aren't sure.

Of course the kids were ecstatic upon his arrival and yes, he is cute. But we really were not ready for another dog as we haven't clearly grieved Sheba yet and of all dogs especially a puppy. I've never had one of my own and have come to find out that I really miss Sheba and how easy it was to take care of her as she had a pattern and didn't always need someone or something to play with not to mention the fact she was completely house broken and didn't leave our yard. We couldn't bring it upon ourselves to take him to a shelter and my brother and his wife weren't interested in taking him so we decided to keep him. Thank goodness Jake is out of school and we won't have to leave him unattended and alone all day. He will be a lot of work yes, but I do picture him being a long time pal but I will miss the idea of a lap dog that can lay by me in bed, just as Sheba did. Now I really can't wait for that fence!
The note said he goes by the name of Max but Jacob named him Bear since he reminded him of the bear cubs we saw at Bear World last month. He's very cute and playful. We think he may have some husky in him with his curled tail and fuzzy fur, but we aren't sure.

Friday, June 01, 2007
Home Improvement Part IV
Even though my efforts in getting a fence is late and could have prevented Sheba from being gone, the process is in place and has been for the last week. Our house was appraised last night for the equity loan we are getting and I am glad to know they take into consideration the market value of the homes in our neighborhood as well. We will be consolidating some higher interest debt as well as getting the fence put in and hopefully the majority of our landscaping done. Funny how I get the feeling once we are done with our list of goals to work on, we will move. Don't know where or why, but I just get that feeling, you know?
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