Thursday, May 25, 2006

Pets for Sale!

Our pets are officially for sale as of yesterday! Any bids? Nothing like coming home to a box of cookies eaten by the dog and unedible types of garbage chewed up everywhere. Then while I was trying to sleep last night Muffers was annoying as all get out. Normally Kittens makes sure the pantry door is open to her pleasing so she may eat at any time, but she was actually sacked out and not paying attention to the food situation for once (I know, is she sick?). So that left Muffers without any help. She would jump on me every little while all night long. I thought, "I'm not gonna get up, is she crazy?" Then she would make muffins on my belly a few times and was really lovey dovey but sorry cat, still not getting up.

You'd think our cats didn't ever get anything to eat during the day that they need to do it during the night! Then the Sheba whines and acts as if she's dying. I don't know if she needs to pee or poop and am not taking any chances of my carpet being further ruined by animals or toddlers so I get up to let her outside. Five seconds later she barks and I let her in. A few minutes later she did the same thing. I locked her in Jake's room (sorry Jake) since that is the only way I can get a break from her without having to make a trip to the basement to put her in her taxi while I'm half asleep. She acts as if she wants to get on my bed, but whines and when I call her she doesn't come so I assume she needs to potty. Needless to say I slept like crap last night because of Muffers and the Sheba. Kittens was an angel, which is the EXACT opposite of what usually happens.

Lesson here is before bed put the cookies up, leave the pantry door open, and put the dog in the pet taxi. I'd just shut my door if it did any good, but they'd all scratch at it. Ah, I love my pets! Who am I kidding? Our pets are officially for sale as of yesterday! Any bids?

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