Monday, May 22, 2006


Our weekend was good but of course, too short. Saturday I had about 10 loads of laundry to catch up on from not doing anything on Mother's Day (I won't let the men touch the laundry - so my own fault!), Charlie worked overtime, and later that night we went to see the King and I at a dinner theatre. The boys got a kick out of it and so did we. I forgot how funny it was and have never seen this play, just the movie, so I'm glad we went! Afterward we stopped off at Krispy Kreme since we don't live around one like we used to, so it was a nice treat.

Sunday we spent almost the whole day shopping. We're going to try to grow some vegetables and hopefully won't kill them. Neither one of us have ever had a garden before, so this will be interesting. We got some wood edging for the spot that may or may not become our future flower garden. It was my idea since it seems that is the theme going on back there with the picnic table, the deck, and Savannah's swing set all being stained redwood. We're using the flowerbed for the vegetables temporarily as once we get a fence in, the permanent areas for plants will be defined. We also got Savannah a sand box and a wading pool, so she had a blast and wore herself out yesterday afternoon. I love having a yard and a house!

I'm so glad it's time for Memorial Day. I think we're all ready for a three day weekend after a long stretch of having no holidays. I want to take Savannah to the zoo before it gets too hot and this Sunday may be a good day for it. She was excited as we drove by the cows in the field, so imagine what her reaction will be to the zoo animals. I was saying that I wish she could stay this age forever, but then again if she did, she wouldn't be fun to watch grow and learn any more than she has right now. So I try and bide my time with her and take lots of pictures cause before I know it she'll be all grown up.

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