Saturday, January 17, 2009

Saturday morning and it's cold outside!

So I finally broke out the heated blanket last night. It was so stinking cold that my cat didn't even keep warm and she has tons of fur. I had to let the dog out in the middle of the night cause I figure if I gotta go then he too must go and I swear that the sliding glass door was frozen a bit. Bear has been really good to not go potty in the house at all otherwise I'd have to leave him in the cold all day while we're at school and work. Lucky dog.

So we're going to the library today. Our city has a pretty dinky library or at least it was the last time I was there. I think it is growing over time just as any other city would have had to when they started out. I was going to take the kids to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua at the dollar show either today or Monday but of course I waited too long and now it's not playing. I think we'll just stay home and bake some oatmeal cookies to share with my Sunday school class tomorrow. Cheaper on gas anyways. Not sure what we'll do with our day off on Monday. Time to be really conservative - what with Charlie's job laying off 5 people the day after they announced the final word they are going to relocate and now all the talk of possible layoffs of state government workers (yes even my job is at stake yet the public needs us the most right now - food stamps, Medicaid, Unemployment, cash assistance, job search assistance, etc.) I think Monday we should open up the Twister game we got for Christmas that I keep forgetting about. I can see us now, Jake will probably end up dogpiled on Savannah and I. Someone is bound to get injured.

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