Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

We had the smallest Thanksgiving this year since I can remember. We stayed at home and celebrated with Savannah and Jacob. I bought the smallest turkey I could find and yet we still have so much left over. But it will be great for sandwiches of course and using in white chili and other recipes. We froze some of it so as not to get burnt out on it in a week's time.

My pies turned out better this year than any other year, maybe that is because I made them at my leisure and there were only two. Savannah made one too. It felt odd to only bake two pies, yes two total! I bought pre-cut veggies for our veggie tray. Sometimes you just need shortcuts and when you aren't entertaining guests it is alright to take them! I almost started a fire toasting the marshmallows on my sweet potatoes. Had I not gotten to them in the nick of time I did we would have had flaming potatoes. It felt odd to bake only two pies, yes two total! I decided to use canned corn in place of the green bean casserole I usually make. "Too easy," I thought. "Maybe we could do this again...'

Aside the food and the aftermath of it all I am writing this tonight and reflecting on how I am very thankful for so many things. I often think about how spoiled I am and that it can be too easy to take for granted what we've been given. I want to try to be more thoughtful next year and plan an activity for our family in regards to this. Just making a hefty meal and being together doesn't always cause us to stop and think how blessed we really are and to take true time to thank God for it.

All in all we had a relaxing day. While in and out of the kitchen I peeked in on the Macy's Day parade and dog show. We played a few games and of course ate pie while watching Charlie Brown. Good stuff.
My Mister...Sneaking tastes of the stuffing. I think he eats more before it goes in the bird than when it comes out. 
Playing the Game of Life.  
Ha - I chose to forego college and start a career and wound up as a Travel Agent who lives in a mobile home with the lowest salary. But yet I won the game? 

 Look at these olive fingers!!
Here is our brine lemon and herbed roasted 13 pounder. I think our oven is having issues cause usually it gets a lot more brown on the top? I could go for a new oven and perhaps it is getting closer to the need for getting one than I thought. 
Setting the table. (Never mind today's youth and their attachment to the electric world.)
Savannah made some pretty name tags. She would be really good at calligraphy. 

Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving Day.

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