Monday, January 23, 2006


So even though this job could create better opportunities for Charlie and a good change for him, I am sad cause it means he will have to work swingshift 2:30-11:00 p.m. every day. It will be good in that it will save on our chid care costs and mileage on the car, but I will not get to see him on the weeknights. I'm semi-used to this from when he was in school (currently he's taking a break this semester), but I just really enjoy our dinnertime together as a family and that will be one major thing sacrificed. There is a happy ending though, I hope. He was told that the job may not permanently be those hours, so maybe it won't be forever but it sure will feel like it.

So be prepared for more blogging bits from me since I will have more time to kill after the kids are to bed. Better than lying awake listening to every little noise thinking it is him coming home or someone is breaking in. I am such a baby!

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