Thursday, January 19, 2006

Talking about My poor husband

Charlie just got offered the job he interviewed for last Thursday and starts on Monday!!!
Thanks for all your support! I just knew he would get it!

My poor husband
I feel so bad that he's lost his job, but maybe it's good in the long run. Even though he liked what he was doing, liked a lot of the people he worked with, had good benefits and pension plan, it will be better for him to leave such a corporate atmosphere with all its politics and other BS. You'd think after working day in and day out for over two years with a company and doing good work that they would over look one mistake regardless of the auditor's BS. They'll find out that they made a mistake. You just can't find another like my hubby. So keep your fingers crossed that his interview on Thursday will be a productful one, as he's counting on it.

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