Monday, December 15, 2008

So about that job thing? Well after pondering on it all week and reminding myself that I prayed to God about leaving my last job, that I wanted something more, that if I was going to spend time away from Savannah at home to be working, that it must serve some purpose other than salary and great benefits. This past week I am reminded that my prayer had been answered...that duh, hello? I asked for this. I wanted to be put out of my comfort zone so that I may grow, I want my time to be spent meaningfully. I may not see the reward now or have the confidence that I am or can make a difference in other people's lives, but it will come.

It's funny cause Mondays are the worst, the beginning of the week I am leery and do not get a feel for the job, but by the end of the week I usually find I am doing better and have a better focus on it. Why is that? Maybe the three day weekends I don't know, but it's true. So for now I will only ask for His guidance to get me through the day one day at a time so that I may be led to perform the job I have been asked to do.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Thanks for the comment you left for me. To be honest, I was a little worried about giving my opinion. As I said, I don't know you personally and I was afraid of saying the wrong thing. But I do believe God will bless you for your obedience. And I also think he put you in that role for a reason. You are blessing others!