Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas spirit!

I just love having the Christmas spirit fulfilled within me. I am really looking forward to the new things happening this year versus years past:

Savannah is more aware of what is going on and shows so much excitement. She is so excited to place each gift so carefully under the tree. She also loves to sing Christmas songs next to the tree while we are all watching and cheering her on. Each day when I remind her that she needs to take a chocolate out of her advent calendar she is so excited to run and get it and bring it to me to help her find the next day.

Charlie will be performing with the praise & worship team at the Christmas Eve service at our church. We took a break from church for a while and are now back and attending. I am never sure why we (I) quit going in the first place since I feel so much more joy and fulfillment when attending than while not. He will be playing piano, bass, and/or singing. I'm not for sure yet what he will be doing, but he will be great at it! (For those in my family that are LDS and/or do not understand what praise & worship is like I didn't, it is not people shouting out "Hallelujahs" and yelling loudly and raising their arms up and down violently. We simply express our praise to God using musical instruments of all sorts and we stand and sing with the group that is performing the music. The spirit does lead us to clap our hands or raise our hands to God and it is awesome - you feel alive and alive in Him. The church we attend is a non-denomitation church for Christians to gather and fellowship to praise Him and spread the Good News.)

Every year, we are asked to create an ornament for the Jesse tree at church, when others brought up their ornament, Savannah's eyes just lit up and said, "We need to make ours!" So this year to see Savannah's desire to do this is such a neat experience that I am looking forward to starting this week on getting our ornament done to she what she and Jake (and myself) learn!

This year I get to sit next to my husband during the sermons, until January that is. (I will be teaching the kindergartners Sunday school starting then...) In years past he was running the sound board so I didn't ever really get to sit next to him. It is funny that it means so much me to just sit next to him to hear the message, but it does. It's a feeling of partnership that I have had with no one else. I cherish it.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love the Jesse tree idea. We don't do one at our church but I've been thinking about doing one at home next year.

How neat that Charlie will be performing. We joined our church 2 1/2 years ago and the thing that sucked me in immediately was the praise and worship music. I just love it. And I find myself lifting my hands each week(and if you knew me, that would surprise you). That is my favorite part of the service and I have praise music blasting here at home quite a bit.

And I love how you are excited to sit next to your husband during the sermon. That just says so much!

Neat post!