Monday, August 07, 2006

Toddler Talk & Politically Incorrect Cows

We went to see Barnyard at the Megaplex big screen on Saturday night. It was a very cool theater! We got there not knowing what wewere going to see during the time frame we had and just chose the closest one. The movie was cute and funny, more than I expected, so we had a good time. Only thing is I wonder if they realized they put udders on the male cows when they were almost done producing the movie and it was too late to fix it. Male cows with udders...I thought that was funny! But one thing I'm not sure of, are all male cows considered bulls? What's the politically correct term anyway?

Savannah is getting to the point that as long as she has her blankie, binkie, munchies and drinks at the movie, she stays pretty entertained and allows us to watch the movie. But we haven't really tried taking her to a movie that wasn't for kids either. She sang "Tinkle, Tinkle, Tinkle star, ow I under ah you are," all the way home, so I'm pretty sure she had a good time too. The funniest thing though is when she said goodbye to the movie screen after it was over and we were walking out. "Bye. See you marnow." Also yesterday when church service was over, she looked up at the podium and said the same thing, it was so hilarious! Lately when her babysitter says goodbye after I pick her up at night, she'll tell Savannah, "See you tomorrow." So I think Savannah likes to repeat this only it comes out as "marnow" instead of tomorrow.

Another thing she's come up with is "Happy Cake." Happy cake is any cake that is decorated and served at a party, I think. I don't know since we don't have cake at home and usually it is at a party when we do. She hears everyone sing Happy Birthday when there are these parties with cake so now every cake is a "Happy Cake" and her word for all cake. And of course she asks for "Happy Cake" as soon as she sees it. Pretty cute stuff though! I just love a toddler's version of life!


Unknown said...

Savannah is TOOOO cute! I hear ye--Hadley is so fascinated by the simplest things that she cracks me up on a daily basis. Her latest fascination has been with seeing how high a ball can bounce. Over and over and over. Minus the repetition, it's pretty fun to watch her!

Anonymous said...

I love it! lol Love how kids come up with things! For my boys, romain noodles where Kid noodles. I have no idea where they got it but up tell about 3 years ago ( they werre 10 and 11) they called them Kid noodles!

BTW I really like this blog, the clean lines are nice! I will Read where ever you decide to blog :-)