Friday, May 21, 2010

Quiet Time

Thought I would take advantage of this quiet time this morning and post an entry. It is rare that I get these moments, of course there is always a grunting little dog following me around, but hey she is loyal and patiently waits for me until my next move.

Next week is the last week of school. I am looking forward to free Fridays so I imagine I will need to plan some events . What's good is that the beginning of June Charlie will be working in Utah for a few weeks too, so what a better way to start the summer off and we will get to see him for Father's Day!

Savannah had her dance recital this past week, she said to me that she liked the winter recital better, but I think this is because she missed a few too many classes and didn't have the chance to really get this one down. She still did a good job and remembered to smile. Her costume was way cute as they all are, the lady who does them does a really good job. I am grateful at how dedicated the teachers are at what they do. Where ever we end up after the house sells I'd like to sign Savannah up for tap dance - she seems to be interested in those shiny shoes at the store whenever we are there and I admit I did too when I was little. I am glad she is not overly shy like I was and is willing to go, however once we move that might not be the case.

Yes, we have our house up for sale. Bittersweet, but it is time! People ask where we are moving, that hasn't actually been 100% decided yet. But you know how when you just know it is time for something? Well it is time...

Speaking of time, my quiet time is over, my sleepy daughter has finally awoken. It was nice to let her sleep in until she woke today as she needed it and I feel so guilty getting her up at 5:45 on those work days. I keep thinking I want to work part time now! I have no options for this at my current employer, so I have been looking about and see a few things but it is not quite time. I can't go anywhere until our house is sold and we are able to pay off some debt. So I pray for patience of course.

1 comment:

aubrie said...

I'm glad you got a little bit of quiet time, that is priceless. And what a great thing that charlie is going to be here for fathers day! Good luck selling your house and with all ov your work stuff. In excited to see where you guys end up!