Thursday, May 06, 2010

Whatchya know Joe?

I'm an aunt again! My big little brother Matt and Kelly had their baby, Kelby Carrillo, on Monday and boy is he cute! I can't wait to babysit him and neither can Savannah. She just loves babies but yet doesn't want any in our household. What is that about? Ahhh...single child, yes!

Charlie has a prospective job in Phoenix Arizona for a company called Cornerstones doing what he is doing now - Integrations Specialist - he has already had two interviews and they want him to fly out for a 3rd. Interesting seeing as how this was all due to word of mouth from his past supervisor. We'll just have to see what happens with this...

I didn't get the job I'd applied for, but that's okay. I at least I tried and obviously it wasn't meant to be.

We had a pinata today at work to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, when I was telling Savannah where I got all the candy, she said, "Awww" - I know imagine us adults doing kid stuff. In addition of course was salsa and chips and taquitos. I just LOVE Mexican food.

I didn't get Savannah's quilt finished this last weekend as was my goal - amazing how running out of thread puts a hold on things especially when you live 12 miles from the nearest store!

My tulips are finally blooming!
Savannah has learned how to blow bubbles with bubble gum!

When out shopping for a Mother's Day gift, Savannah asks, "When is kids' day?" - I told her, "Every day," - she disagrees.

We are leaving on a plane tomorrow morning to visit Charlie in Green Bay. I am so nervous about flying and really have no reason to be. I just pray and know that we leave in God's hands. This will be Savannah's first flight and I pray she will be calm. (I am not so sure about it since we took her on that scarry ride at Disney's California park.) She had asked me a lot of questions tonight about how the airplane goes up in the sky and then said, "I have to ask you these questions so I will know." She was being so serious too. Once we get adjusted to the idea of flying and airports we will be so excited to visit! Now she will see what planet her Daddy is on! (In reference to the day she asked me what planet Daddy lived gave me quite a chuckle.)

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